Steering the Colombian road freight sector towards zero emissions (Giro-Zero)

Implementing partner: Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá
 Consortium partner: Cardiff University
 Implementation period: August 2021- March 2023
 Sector: Just Energy Transition


The road freight transport sector accounts for 4.61% of CO2 emissions in Colombia and 42% of the country's transport sector. To support the country reach the goal of zero emissions by 2050,  and the intermediate goals of reducing GHG emissions by 51% and black carbon by 40% by2030, the project aimed to build the roadmap towards reaching the national CO2 emissions targets for the road freight transport by catalysing the adoption of low and zero emission technologies and best environmental practices within the sector in Colombia.

This project worked together with key transport stakeholders to help decarbonise Colombia’s road freight sector. Through workshops and seminars, it helped building the capacity of key stakeholders in state-of-the-art industry practices to transform the sector. The project aimed to help increase the adoption of low-emission technologies and better environmental practices by proposing strategies for improving fleet configuration, management and logistics and use of renewable fuels.







Quotes website UK PACT-8-GiroZero project - Uniandes - quote


Project photos LATAM-14-GiroZero - COL project






Long-term outcomes

  • 130 companies have improved their capacity and knowledge as over 1,000 drivers/employees have taken the course Smart Driver in collaboration with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) on eco- driving or participated in GiroZero short courses. Over the whole project period since 2021, GiroZero trained more than 2080 people. 

  • GiroZero Environmental Road Freight Transport Index (ERFTI), measuring ESG readiness, was implemented across various Colombian companies, each with different logistical profiles at national regional level like.  
  • The private sector conducted pilots and technology validation on new technologies to understand environmental performance and compare with traditional technologies. 

  • GiroZero published a series of policy briefs and case studies on pilots. Also, it developed a toolbox that includes an ERFTI tool, a CO2 scenario simulator, a KPI Dashboard, among others.