Call for proposals open: mobilising green investment in Brazil

Written by Sample HubSpot User | 15 Aug 2023

We are pleased to announce that today the Brazil-UK PACT (Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions) programme has launched a new funding opportunity for mobilising green investment in Brazil.  

Brazil-UK PACT invites the submission of proposals from eligible entities, focusing on mobilising green investment. Through targeted technical assistance, these projects will aim to drive economic development through increased low-carbon investments. The updated deadline for submitting proposals is on 13 September 2023 at 12.00 BRT / 15.00 UTC. 

What are we looking for?

Following consultation with key government stakeholders, Brazil-UK PACT is now seeking to fund projects that will support the Brazilian Government to enhance the reach and effectiveness of green finance in the country.  

The support will be targeted towards public financial institution and/or Federal and State government entities that are willing to improve or accelerate implementation of their low carbon investment actions and/or strategies. Proposals must design projects that aim to increase the capability of government to develop new pipelines of investible projects, thus mobilising green investment. All projects must embed Gender Equality and Social Inclusion considerations throughout their interventions. 

Who can apply?

We welcome applications from consortia of organisations with the capacity to deliver multiple interventions within a project. Only applicants that are registered as not-for-profit organisations are eligible to be lead Implementing Partner of a proposal/consortium.  

Government agencies and/or departments are not eligible to apply either as a lead organisation, or as a partner organisation within consortium.  

  Welcoming the launch, Melanie Hopkins, Deputy Head of UK Mission to Brazil, said:

“The UK is ready to help mobilise private investments needed for Brazil to deliver its NDC and Net Zero plans. We are looking at the trillions, not just the billions that public funding must be able to mobilise. The BR-UK PACT programme is a key stepping stone in this direction as it will enhance the reach and effectiveness of green investments in Brazil.” 

Projects will be selected through a one-stage open and competitive process.