Call for proposals open: Forest Sector in Brazil

Written by Sample HubSpot User | 20 Sep 2023

We are pleased to announce that today the Brazil-UK PACT (Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions) programme has launched a new funding opportunity in the forest sector in Brazil. Please note that the window to receive clarification questions is now open again until 26 September and also, please refer to the updated proposal templates when submitting your application.

Brazil-UK PACT is now seeking to fund projects that will support the Brazilian Government to reduce deforestation through targeted technical assistance. These projects will aim to increase the value of standing forests to mitigate climate change, while also helping to increase the standing value of forests through robust bioeconomies and increase engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities in the future of Brazil's forests sector. 

What are we looking for?

Following consultation with key government stakeholders, Brazil-UK PACT is seeking to fund projects in the following areas:

Forest project 1: UK PACT will award a grant for a project that seeks to supporting the National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples (FUNAI) to strengthen territorial management of indigenous lands. This project will work to build FUNAI’s technical capacity relating to indigenous land regularisation, which will turn support effective land demarcation, while also promoting the protection, recovery, conservation, and sustainable use of the natural resources.

Forest project 2: UK PACT will award a grant for a project that will provide support to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change on the design of the National Bioeconomy Policy, the National Bioeconomy Plan, and the National Sociobioeconomy Programme. The new policy, plan and programme will be anchored in an implementation, governance and fundraising strategy that responds to the urgent need for action around sustainable economic development, social inclusion and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Who can apply?

We welcome applications from consortia of organisations with the capacity to deliver multiple interventions within a project. Only applicants that are registered as not-for-profit organisations are eligible to be lead Implementing Partner of a proposal/consortium. 

Government agencies and/or departments are not eligible to apply either as a lead organisation, or as a partner organisation within consortium. 

For full details on how to apply and to access application documents, go to our Brazil-UK PACT Forest Sector Call for Proposals web page.