Measuring, reporting and verification

Current funding round theme for the UK PACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund


Around the world, climate change poses a systemic risk to economies and societies. Land use change, landscape degradation and unsustainable practices in forestry and agriculture contribute to increasing emissions while exacerbating the impacts of climate change on communities and biodiversity. Improving these practices could not only support climate mitigation, but also offer opportunities for sustainable economic development.

COP26 has generated significant momentum around the need to tackle emissions from Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU), an area which represents a priority sector for many countries in the target regions to achieve the climate targets set out in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). However, the lack of robust and appropriate Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) tools – digital communication, data analytics, support decision tools, etc. – and insufficient capacity to implement them is a barrier most countries face to fulfilling the reporting requirements and tracking progress towards their NDC goals in a transparent way.

Additionally, forests and natural ecosystems support the livelihoods of indigenous people and local communities in these countries whose decisions on land and resource use could make a substantial contribution to emissions reduction. MRV tools that are robust, standardised, and aligned with national frameworks can empower these communities with improved resource management, thereby increasing the sustainability of their activities – and access to financing options.


Applications for the Expressions of Interest closed on 13 June 2022. The scheme is not currently accepting new applications, but by signing up for updates you will be kept informed about future funding rounds.

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The opportunity for solutions

Strengthening national and local MRV tools can contribute to increasing national and global transparency in tracking emissions from AFOLU, thus providing credibility to countries that accurately report progress towards meeting their NDC and COP26 climate commitments.

Effective use of MRV tools at a local level can help empower communities by a.) enabling them to make more effective decisions that increase the productivity, sustainability and resilience of their land and resources, as well b.) providing them with information required to gain better access to finance, like rural credit. Equally, strengthening the capacity of local governments to use MRV tools and data can contribute to enhancing the accuracy and transparency of reported AFOLU emissions, thus supporting better policymaking and the development of carbon markets. 

Notably, the implementation of MRV tools alongside the deployment of Nature-based solutions (NBS) can further propel long-term systemic change and complement the current portfolio of UK PACT projects supporting NBS activities, thus multiplying the climate mitigation potential that the programme aims to unlock. 




Latin America (Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru) and Asia (India, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam)



Potential impact

By funding projects in this area, UK PACT aims to mainstream the use of robust MRV tools to enable countries to more accurately measure and report emissions from the AFOLU sector. More accurate data and analytical tools can support governments and local communities in making the shift to more sustainable forestry and agricultural practices. This can not only accelerate emissions reductions needed to achieve net-zero goals, but also significantly improve the livelihood of indigenous and rural communities that benefit from the land and natural resources. 

In scope for funding


Development and implementation of MRV tools at field level, including scalable methodologies and tools that can support the implementation of sustainable forestry and agricultural practices, enhancement of forest-based removals through monitoring of forest degradation and land use changes, and the development of green supply chains  


Development of certification schemes that utilise data to underpin sustainability claims and facilitate mainstreaming of deforestation-free commodities


Strengthening capacity in governments and institutions to effectively utilise MRV tools to a.) collect and utilise data to fulfil reporting requirements following international standards and frameworks b.) inform domestic policy decisions, and c.) demonstrate the meaningful progress towards climate targets


Utilisation of MRV tools for forests, land use and agriculture linked to supporting the development of rural credit options and carbon markets

Not in scope for funding


Projects that only focus on implementing MRV tools to monitor business-as-usual agricultural practices or deforestation without promoting more sustainable agricultural or reforestation practices 


Projects that focus on developing new MRV tools and do not include capacity building elements targeting communities and/or policymakers


Projects that create new tools and process ‘in a silo’ with no clear link to the broader national and institutional frameworks in the country 

Example projects


The below projects exemplify the types of solutions that we look to fund, it is not an exhaustive list.

  • Training communities to use existing MRV tools to collect data that can help improve the sustainability and profitability of agricultural practices, such as fertiliser spraying, planting decisions or water application, as well as local forest protection and management
  • Sharing knowledge to promote uptake of MRV tools either by developing new stakeholder networks and platforms, or by enhancing existing networks, with a particular focus on South-South exchange
  • Developing and implementing MRV tools to support the creation of certification schemes that verify environmental credentials of agriculture or forestry practices across the supply chains, including forest carbon credits
  • Encouraging the standardisation and alignment of MRV tools and data used across the country/region, ensuring clear links to existing frameworks and systems
  • Training government officials and stakeholders in key national institutions to utilise and understand MRV data, tools, frameworks and processes for climate reporting and policy-making
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