Boosting conservation and emissions reduction through sustainable tourism and technology

Led by:  Los Viajes del Boga S. A. S. (Awake)
Sector: Nature

“During this project, we have been able to understand that by conserving and caring for our natural resources, we can create a community economy such as tourism, build a social structure and peace in our territories, because caring for ecosystems is caring for life.”

- William Hurtado, CEO, Willitour Sierra Mágica, Meta-Colombia
(Nature tourism organisation, beneficiary of the project)

This project seeks to protect forests and enhance the restoration of the Amazon, Orinoquía and Pacific basins - areas with high rates of deforestation. It is helping reduce carbon emissions by promoting nature tourism that uses sustainable natural resources, finances conservation activities and improves the livelihoods of rural populations.

The project also seeks to contribute to the carbon neutrality of the tourism sector through the measurement, reduction, and compensation of its emissions. It is also empowering local people and organisations with the tools that scientists use to measure the impact of conservation practices on the ecosystem, thereby providing information which can be used to guide changes in management plans.