Enabling green development and recovery in Kitui County through energy planning

Led by:  IIED
Sector:  Energy

“Our work will help embed an innovative energy delivery model and nexus approach in Kitui county to tailor solutions that use green energy to improve lives and livelihoods in rural areas.” - Ben Garside, Head of Energy, IIED

This project is a lead example in Kenya for designing integrated solutions to address development challenges across green energy and nexus sectors such as agriculture and livestock. IIED, Caritas Kitui, and the Kitui County Government have been working in partnership for several years, culminating in the co-design and adoption of Kenya’s first County Energy Plan. Building on this work, the project partners co-designed productive uses of renewable energy (PURE) initiatives in support packages with communities that focused on irrigated horticulture and poultry value chains in Kitui County Kenya.
