Regional webinar, UK PACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund, Sub-Saharan Africa

Date: 2 November 2020

What is it?

This webinar provides general information about the UK PACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund and our expectations for quality applications for funding. It will focus on the themes and timelines for the second call for proposals in November 2020, specifically for applicants relevant to countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Who is this webinar for?

Organisations and individuals that have an interest in applying for funding for the delivery of technical assistance projects that will build capacity in the thematic areas outlined below, as well as those who would like to find out more information in order to share details of the fund with relevant parties.

The second round of funding launching in November 2020 focuses on two themes:

  • Nature-Based Solutions: Promotion of sustainable agriculture and forestry in Latin American and African target countries by enhancing agroforestry, silvopastoral and regenerative agricultural practices to mitigate climate change, build resilient livelihoods and strengthen sustainable supply chains.
  • Clean Energy Transition: Integrating grid and off-grid low-carbon energy solutions to support the clean energy transition in Africa, by scaling and coordinating reliable and affordable low-carbon energy in target countries.

Presentation slides

Additional resources