Brazil-UK PACT Market Engagement Webinar

Date: 10 June 2024

Time: 14:00 - 15:30 (BRT) / 17:00 - 18:30 (UTC)

Download the presentation slides here

Access the recording here

Read our market engagement event Q&A document here

Please note that this call will launch mid-July

Join our webinar to find out how you can apply for grant funding for the energy and industrial decarbonisation Call for Proposals, within the Brazil-UK PACT (Partnering for Accelerating Climate Transitions) programme.

Who is this event for?

We invite all organisations with relevant experience in delivering technical assistance and capacity-building projects in the industrial decarbonisation sector to register. This could be think-tanks, consultancies, academic institutions, community organisations, NGOs, professional associations, or any similar organisations that have the knowledge, skills and experience to deliver an eligible project.  

Proposals from private sector entities are welcomed, however, Government agencies and Government departments are not eligible to receive UK PACT funding. 

What will we be funding?

Through consultation with the Government of Brazil, UK PACT has identified key opportunities for the energy and industrial decarbonisation sector. We are looking to award grant funding for projects aimed at providing technical assistance and capacity-building to support the Government to accelerate industrial decarbonisation and promoting a just and fair energy transition. All projects should seek to assist key counterparts - Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC).

To be eligible for funding, all projects must respond fully to at least one of five specific intervention areas, that will be presented in more detail during the event. Applicants can submit proposals in different areas of intervention, with one proposal per intervention. Applicants are not allowed to apply more than once to the same intervention. The five areas are: 

  1. Decarbonisation roadmap for the steel industry in Brazil; 
  2. Enhancing the flow of financial resources to increase the funding of industrial decarbonisation projects;  
  3. Policy instruments to implement the National Plan of Energy Efficiency in the industrial sector;
  4. Mapping current and future hydrogen demand in Brazil;  
  5. Use of residues in the cement industry. 
Visit the Brazil-UK PACT web page to learn more about our work.