Brazil-UK PACT Call for Proposals: Forest sector

The Brazil-UK PACT Call for Proposals in the forest sector is now open. The deadline for submitting your proposal is 6 January 2025 at 12:00 BRT/ 15:00 UTC.

Brazil holds the largest portion of tropical forests on the planet. The country has a forest area of about 496 million hectares, equivalent to more than 58% of the country’s territory. In the last 30 years, more than 70 million hectares have been deforested according to the National Forest Information System (SNIF).   

Brazil's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) success relies heavily on land-use achievements. However, unsustainable land use, the largest source of emissions in Brazil, is rapidly increasing and responsible for nearly 50% of all emissions. Deforestation is the primary contributor to this surge in gross emissions, accounting for about 1.11 billion tons of CO2 equivalent in 2022, despite a decrease of 15% compared to 2021.  

Under its NDC, the Brazilian Government has set its target to reduce Brazil’s greenhouse gas emissions by 59 to 67% below 2005 levels by 2035, which must be achieved mainly through zero deforestation and restoration of 12 million hectares of degraded lands, thus requiring robust results coming from the Land Use, Land-use Change, and Forestry sector (LULUCF).
To achieve its commitment, Brazil will need to focus its efforts on making forests the most important point on its environmental agenda, driving this sector to become highly viable by 2035, which includes boosting restoration services, financial mechanisms, strengthening of forest policy and creating economic value for standing forests. 

What are we looking for?
Following consultation with key government stakeholders, Brazil-UK PACT is now seeking to extend its support to the forest sector in Brazil, through a technical assistance and capacity-building project aimed at providing scientific information, and proposing and testing public-private governance formed by the main private and financial sector actors, to improve the National Native Vegetation Recovery Plan (PLANAVEG)’s arrangements and its financial and political planning.  

UK PACT will award grants for a project that can provide support for the Forest Department of the National Secretariat of Biodiversity and Animal Rights (SBio), which sits within the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA), on their strategy to implement the recently reviewed PLANAVEG, considering the process, implementation costs, financial governance, and the identification and access to diverse sources of financing for each target audience.

The focus will be on three pillars of action:  
  • Pillar 1: Development of Investment Plans for each Implementation Arrangement
  • Pillar 2: Development of a financing strategy and financial governance.
  • Pillar 3: Design a monitoring financing strategy. 
Application specifications

For full details, please consult the Terms of Reference (ToR) and Applicant Handbook linked below.

How much should the project cost? 
The successful project will receive grants of up to £750,000 per year (UK financial year, 1st April – 31st March). Applicants should propose a project of up to 24 months in duration. Project will be selected through a one-stage open and competitive call for proposals.   

How long can each project be? 
The project should aim to last up to 24 months. The proposals must have a clear indication of the outcomes and impacts expected to be achieved in the first year of implementation, as well as in the second year of implementation.  

What type of organisations/consortia can apply?
For-profit and non-profit organisation can apply as a sole applicant, or as part of a consortium. Government agencies and/or departments are not eligible to apply either as a lead organisation or partner in a consortium. All consortia must have a local organisation as consortium lead. A local organisation is understood to be an organisation that operates in Brazil under the National Register of Legal Entities (Cadastro Nacional de Pessoa Jurídica – CNPJ).

Full selection criteria for evaluating proposals are listed in the terms of reference, and cover aspects such as cost-effectiveness, project management, impacts on GEDSI (Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion), technical capacity of the organisation or proposing consortium.

What types of costs are eligible?  

The project must be delivered on a not-for-profit basis. Eligible costs will include: 

  • Consultancy and/or staff time required to deliver activities
  • Reasonable travel and subsistence costs
  • Other costs directly related to activities and outputs (workshop, seminars, production of reports, translation etc.) 

We cannot award funding for tangible assets e.g. computer and furniture. However, if such inputs are necessary for a project, then applications could include a co-founder to cover these elements.  

Application timeline

The steps and indicative timeline for  the Call for Proposals in the forest sector is outlined below: 

Brazil UK PACT forest sector 2024  v3

The deadline for submitting your clarification questions is 2 December 2024 at 12:00 BRT / 15:00 UTC.

How to apply

Projects will be selected through a one-stage open and competitive call for proposals. Applicants should read the Terms of Reference and Applicant handbook to understand what is required to submit a strong proposal for this call.

Malaysia - Call for proposals UK PACT

To start your application process, fill in the templates below and then submit the form linked. After submitting the form, you will receive an email containing a link to upload your application pack. The following documents form your application pack and must be downloaded, completed in English, and submitted via the link sent to your email, after submitting the form below.

All the guidance you will need to make an application can be found here:


Click here to apply

The deadline for submitting proposals is 6 January 2025 at 12:00 BRT/ 15:00 UTC.  Submissions will not be considered if the application pack has not been uploaded or if they are received after the deadline.

If you run into any issues with accessing or sharing the relevant templates, please contact before the deadline.

Market engagement event

Click here to watch our Brazil-UK PACT Fund market engagement webinar for the forest sector. This webinar was held on 12 November 2024

Eligibility checker

Want to check if your project is eligible before applying? Use the quick check list below. You can find more about eligibility for this call, and for UK PACT funding by reading our Applicant Handbook and Terms of Reference.

Q. Is your project aligned to at least one of the areas of interventions of the call?

Yes No

This indicates that your project may be eligible. Please proceed to the next question.

Unfortunately, this makes your project ineligible.

Q. Is the value of your project up to £750,000 per financial year and up to 2 years?

Yes No

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That's the wrong answer bow your head in shame

Q. Is your organisation eligible to apply for UK PACT funding and on a not-for-profit-basis? Note that public entities, government agencies and/or departments are not eligible.

Yes No

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That's the wrong answer bow your head in shame

Q. Are your project activities and costs eligible? Please note: we cannot award funding for infrastructure projects or for tangible assets and profit is not eligible cost in UK PACT budgets, either as a direct cost or within overheads.

Yes No

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That's the wrong answer bow your head in shame

Answering yes to all the questions above indicates that your project is eligible to apply for funding. Apply via the EoI link above.

Answering no to any question above indicates that your organisation or project is not eligible for funding at this time. Please re-visit our guidance documents carefully to find out how to design a UK PACT project.