For full details, please consult the Terms of Reference (ToR) and Applicant Handbook linked below.
How much should the project cost?
The successful project will receive grants of up to £750,000 per year (UK financial year, 1st April – 31st March). Applicants should propose a project of up to 24 months in duration. Project will be selected through a one-stage open and competitive call for proposals.
How long can each project be?
The project should aim to last up to 24 months. The proposals must have a clear indication of the outcomes and impacts expected to be achieved in the first year of implementation, as well as in the second year of implementation.
What type of organisations/consortia can apply?
For-profit and non-profit organisation can apply as a sole applicant, or as part of a consortium. Government agencies and/or departments are not eligible to apply either as a lead organisation or partner in a consortium. All consortia must have a local organisation as consortium lead. A local organisation is understood to be an organisation that operates in Brazil under the National Register of Legal Entities (Cadastro Nacional de Pessoa Jurídica – CNPJ).
Full selection criteria for evaluating proposals are listed in the terms of reference, and cover aspects such as cost-effectiveness, project management, impacts on GEDSI (Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion), technical capacity of the organisation or proposing consortium.
What types of costs are eligible?
The project must be delivered on a not-for-profit basis. Eligible costs will include:
- Consultancy and/or staff time required to deliver activities
- Reasonable travel and subsistence costs
- Other costs directly related to activities and outputs (workshop, seminars, production of reports, translation etc.)
We cannot award funding for tangible assets e.g. computer and furniture. However, if such inputs are necessary for a project, then applications could include a co-founder to cover these elements.